What is going wrong for our young people? Families are shattered- many families have no a lasting structure or example of such The media is presenting a daming alternative to real love and families The competitive packaging of people to
‘The chemical weapon we turned on ourselves’
Discovery of high levels in household pesticides (One has to wonder at such incopetence to not monitor pesticides for known cancer causing agents. Instead the government will monitor you and your phone calls. In a world of red tape to rap the small man up in
The family is the basis for a healthy society
Transcript from ABCs PM program with Dennis Altman “Four decades ago gay sex was illegal in every state of Australia. So called pofter bashing was rife, there were many case in which gay men were severely beaten by the police whose job
Liberty Threatened

Comment: ” Freedom of religious faith was also granted, every man being permitted to worship God according to the dictates of his conscience. Republicanism and Protestantism became the fundamental principles of the nation (USA). These principles are the secret of
Free Willy
The plot: “the film begins with a pod of Orcas swimming near the coastline of the Pacific North West. The pod is tracked down by a large group of whalers, and one of them, Willy (Keiko the orca), is snared in