THe woman representing the church of Christ in Revelation 12 who fled into the Wilderness is patricularly associated with the those that fled into the mountains of Northern Italy and were persecuted known as the Waldenses. “Some have suffered torture
Email service thought used by Edward Snowden shuts down amid fight over customer information Posted August 09, 2013 15:55:20 Photo: Snowden has been charged with espionage but was granted asylum by Russia. (AFP/Human Rights Watch: Tanya Lokshina) Related Story: Obama
Prophets say calamties will urge leaders to accept the papal sabbath

The fast-retreating Sheldon Glacier in Antarctica. A collapse of a polar ice sheet could result in a jump in sea level. By JUSTIN GILLIS Published: August 12, 2013 ‘Thirty-five years ago, a scientist named John H. Mercer issued a warning. By
And I saw Satan fall from heaven like lightening from heaven
and he came to earth to trade with the souls of men
Dealing with the mind
Image by Dr N Needley click it on to view Satan is a drug dealer he really doesn’t care if you have a perscription or not as long as he has access to the mind and the will.