As we close on 2015 there has been a lot of news for the new world agenda, we are right in the middle of a shift that was stated by the now deceased Jesuit priest Malachi Martin to ‘change individual lives radically and forever, the greatest change in 1000 years.’ Well we know that technology is changing our lives but it’s how it is used and by whom it is seized.
In 2015 some important events:
The US presidential race such as Donald Trump, maybe a real scary world
The fight against terrorism and increasing surveillance laws and laws restricting journalism
The Papal encyclical released in June on climate change.
A Jesuit Pope speaking to US congress & his unprecedented reception despite the Papacy’s need for house cleaning back in Rome
‘The 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference, held in Paris, France, from 30 November to 12 December 2015 in which 195 nations signed a new agreement December 11. The world churches, the Papacy, UN, the world bank, US all in agreement. This agreement will lay a heavy burden on the countries in regulation and financing.
And behind it all “Under various disguises the Jesuits worked their way into offices of State, climbing up to be the counselors of kings, and shaping the policy of nations. They became servants, to act as spies upon their masters.”
The push for global agenda surrounding climate change closely resembles the third angel’s message spoken of in Revelation 14 but it is a counterfeit.