Prayer is the opening of the heart to God as to a friend. Not that it is necessary in order to make known to God what we are, but in order to enable us to receive Him. Prayer does not
Judegment Day
Russia and the U.S. Are Simultaneously Preparing for Imminent Nuclear War and the USA is looking to control things in every corner of the globe down to every person’s computer and right to truth. There is the preparation for war
Ignatius himself bought a printing press

The Church of Rome banished and burnt the Bible as an outlawed book and was losing their hold on the people because Protestantism was spreading like wildfire through Europe and it was through the word of God given to the
Jesuits controlled Australia a ‘conspiracy theory’ or conspiracy?
Quotes from Australian newspapers: “The election of Argentinian Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio last month as leader of the world’s billion Catholics delivered a litany of firsts – he was the first to take the name Francis, the first
Will coffee cure?
Cancer is a very serious thing and while you might survive the cancer will you survive the treatment? Here is some good research news??!# : “All the (cancer) patients had surgery and chemotherapy. Those who drank four or more cups of