This statute found in the church of satan in Salem holds interesting symbolism which have been dispersed into the world, Christianity and medicine. The occult signs should be of interest, to beware of those organisations that carry them. Instead of a lamb
Trump Inc.

“At the end of the day God raised up, I believe, Donald Trump, who was going to be the nominee in this election,” said Bachmann, who had backed Cruz in the primary. Trump says ‘So let me state this right
Clinton’s charities..
The Clinton’s couldn’t do their charity work without with a little helps form their friends!
People are falling in the street
Americans plunged to their death yet the 28 pages from 9-11 was withheld from the public. This was to conceal the present truth at that time of who orchestrated the fall of the twin towers which was not revealed until July 2016. There
Australian sell off
Allan Jones one of the highest paid Australian radio commentators has rarely criticized any liberal government in the past being a script writer for Malcolm Fraser the former liberal Prime Minister. However he had some harsh words of warning