Scientists genetically modify bacteria to detect & treat intestinal diseases, incl cancer

July 13 2015 “A group of scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have managed to genetically modify a human gut bacterium so that it could detect and report the symptoms of digestive diseases, thus opening the potential for new innovative medical treatments.”

When have we ever had real positive results from gene modification? Think of one and name it?

Disease or good health depends on the environment in which the  microbes are placed. Cancer is encouraged by a lack of minerals together with a toxic overload leading to a fungal state. So disease is a good money spinner as microbes change form and location by drugs and consider also radiation which is in itself toxic smoke screensused for a toxic problem, thus it is like mirrors and smoke screens that spins thousands of dollars off the patient until their life is ended and of course a drug devoid of minerals for example that which it mimics in a plant ends up over time robbing the body of the essential minerals it needs for real health. Why because like sugar it has no associated goodness, minerals or vitamins as found in the plant which science studied to get the active ingredient. Nothing can beat that which is whole and God given.

Proverbs 14:12 There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof [are] the ways of death. 


Science’s solution for your guts

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