Its not easy! Lot of confusion from being Bradley to Whistle blower Chelsea Manning but the treatment is hard core if you upset the purposes of the US Government and the purpose of the Government are against its own citizens and their liberties, not only their but every single person on the planet. The truth, the present is not to be revealed or spoken. You are a peg in a round hole, don’t lift your head, don’t lift your voice or we will cut it down.
Poor Chelsea Manning may face indefinite solidarity confinement for the charges stated here.
“In 2011, Manning was awarded a “Whistleblowerpreis” by the German Section of the International Association of Lawyers against Nuclear Arms and the Federation of German Scientists.[136] In 2012, she was awarded “People’s Choice Award” awarded by Global Exchange.[137] In 2013, she was awarded the Sean MacBride Peace Prize by the International Peace Bureau.[138] In 2014, she was awarded the Sam Adams Award by Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence.[139]
Icelandic and Swedish Pirate Party MPs nominated Manning and fellow whistleblower Edward Snowden for the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize. In a statement to the Nomination Committee, the Pirate Party members said Manning and Snowden “have inspired change and encouraged public debate and policy changes that contributed to a more stable and peaceful world”.[140] In 2013, Roots Action launched a petition nominating Manning for the prize that received more than 100,000 supporting signatures.[141]
In April 2015 a bronze statute of Manning, Edward Snowden, and Julian Assange was erected in Berlin’s Alexanderplatz. Germany’s Green Party sponsored the statue created by Italian sculptor David Dormino.[142]” Wikipedia