Its great when you have the same goals for world government and no opposition to stand in your way in the political scene. Shorten and Abbott may have had personal interviews with Pell all at the same time.
Governments are employing cheap labour and using one who is qualified to oversee those from O/S without qualifications even on their own secret service facilities. The rule and price of education is high in Australia but bends a lot for cheap labour. Might as well close the tafe and get more money and drawn-out education from the universities. The government has found an assert that is readily available and they don’t have to do much but collect taxes- typically over $50,00 dollars on a house sale and they are selling like hot cake to the Chinese yet socialism, drugging and benefits cost an awful lot. Like $10,000 to put someone in employment for 6 months but no one is abusing the system of course- like pigs to the trough. The ex-prime minister’s wife was very wealthy on employment schemes so it really was not a problem if unemployment went up they could share the loot from the government scheme.
So we the government and opposition of Australia are agreed on privatization and sale of assets to foreign investors. Agreed on Asylum seekers. Free trade deals- it doesn’t matter that we are smaller than China and have no manufacturing because they took it, we smarter right? Agreed on terrorism and privacy laws and more money from the public purse for their own surveillance. Its for the public’s own good.
I mean the public are asleep and all hung up on the Muslim threat rather than taking their stand against an invasive and wasteful and corrupt government. How so? The charter on the parliament wall is to look after the finance and economy for the people of Australia not international business interest and the church.
The activities of opposition and government are like the coyote and sheepdog on the bugs bunny show who are really work mates putting on a show for the clocked on hours that they work.