Allan Jones one of the highest paid Australian radio commentators has rarely criticized any liberal government in the past being a script writer for Malcolm Fraser the former

liberal Prime Minister. However he had some harsh words of warning for the Turnbull government with his comment of their “utter betrayal of public trust” and “whitewashing” of the foreign land ownership register by the treasurer Scott Morrison. There was a pretense to deliver transparency about foreign ownership but there is a continued sell off of rural properties to foriegn interests.
The government follows a Vatican led UN agenda. There is no gold reserve in the bank and little paper reserve for that matter, the banks are extremely well paid for keeping the ledger, turning paper into assets. There is no manufacturing in Australia, car production has almost stopped, without manufacturing former Prime Minster Paul Keating said Australia would become a banana republic and the mining is on the downturn and land tax is being used instead of mining for government profits. Australia has just been warned it could lose its AAA credit rating and the country’s debt could blow out to a trillion dollars despite being one of the dearest countries in the world to live in now.
‘But you have to understand the nature of the beast: The rise of Jesuit-educated politicians in Australia is a remarkable conjunction in political leadership: a situation so rare that it may even be a first in the Western world.’