On our way to visit the site that changed history forever, there is nothing to say of the battle that took place that day. Rather there is the inscription of a Pope but no memorial of the battle day.  The battle of the Milvian Bridge is the site where the Roman Emperors Constantine I and Maxentius fought on 28 October 312 and for Constantine it was against the odds. Prior to this it is said he saw a sign in the heavens of the cross and the Greek words “Ἐν Τούτῳ Νίκα” (in this sign, you will conquer.) A building just a little distance from this site commemorates the the conversion of constantine but it would never have been complete if he had lost the battle that day at the Tiber where Maxentius drowned along with many of his men. 

The earliest account of the battle, dating from AD 313, says that Maxentius drew up his army on the bank of the Tiber. He had cut the bridge itself, but in case of defeat he could retreat to Rome across a temporary bridge made of boats. When Constantine’s cavalry charged, however, Maxentius’s men were driven in flight across the bridge of boats, which collapsed under them, and many were drowned, including Maxentius himself. His head was cut off and carried into the city on a spear by the triumphant Constantine and his men.

  • Painting of the conversion of Constantine from Vatican Museum
    Painting of the conversion of Constantine from Vatican Museum



There was no sign of Milvian bridge victory. Except there is this image on a nearby building

Sign of a cross in the heavens given to Constantine before the battle- painting from Vatican museum.

The markings on the bridge show no information concerning the nearby battle which would

change the course of history forever


Maxentius drowned probably somewhere here



Image of the battle in the Vatican Museum