‘Any attempt by Trump to build the wall without congressional approval would be a grave threat to separation of powers. Under the Constitution, every major action of the federal government generally should involve two branches of government.’ The main issue with ‘Trump’s wall’ is constitutional. “The president is likely claiming authority to fund building the wall under the National Emergencies Act of 1976, but that law actually was meant to limit the ability of the president to claim powers by declaring a national emergency.” But does it limit his power? Trump would use executive powers as Bush did during 9/11 to override congress. So the Constitution may appear to be intact when in fact it is at breaking point under an all Catholic based supreme court in a country whose foundation is Protestantism and Republicanism. “Rev. Jeffress said by building a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border President Trump is not only fulfilling his constitutional duty but his “God-given responsibility.” These words from a Protestant preacher lack the wisdom of history and the historical foundations of the Unites States and a knowledge of the Bible. His foundation is not in law of God and historical understanding and so Jeffress has ill advised others and acted against religious liberty and what made the US a great nation. 

“The Constitution was deliberately written to keep government officials from claiming dictatorial powers in the name of national security or emergency management. During the Korean War, President Harry Truman ordered the seizure of steel mills when a labor dispute threatened to close them. Truman argued that national security and the war effort depended on continued steel production. But In Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. vs. Sawyer, in 1952, the Supreme Court ruled against Truman, concluding the president had no authority under the Constitution or federal laws to do this even in a wartime emergency.” However Trump has erected a different landscape in the federal and supreme court since Truman’s days which is very pro- catholic that is dead against separation of church and state and most likely will allow him his way. 


Constitutional Wall of Separation

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