The plot:   “the film begins with a pod of Orcas swimming near the coastline of the Pacific North West. The pod is tracked down by a large group of whalers, and one of them, Willy (Keiko the orca), is snared in their nets and taken away to a local amusement park….Willy is regarded as surly and uncooperative”   Wikipedia

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How could God  create a free will being  and having corrupted his nature to be a self destructive and selfish creature,  reprogram him to be loyal and given a totally different mind set?  Sounds like an impossible plan. The evidenece of who we naturally are is seen in the war, volence and evil passions all around us and the media in which we participate, this is the nature of mankind.

God’s plan for the resoration of mankind is like taking an abused child who is vicious and hates everyone around him and making him into a courteous and kind, law abiding citizen.  More than this God wants to  free that person to be a unique individual and grow in a way that is a special role in life that only that person is destined to fulfill. That role if the person permits shall be an ever expanding one into eternity.

We would say from our own experience of human nature and the majority of Christians say that the perfect mind of Christ is impossible in this life on earth to obtain.  This is unbiblcal, Paul says  ‘let this mind be in you which is in Christ Jesus.’ Such ideas neglect to realise that a born again person has a new nature and  a new mind  and without a change in the thoughts, feelings, attitudes and lifestyle Christians  remain unchallaged and unchanged and therefore without the power of the Holt Spirit unsaved..

Right from the first point of reasoning in a child Satan is there the great deceiver to cause that child to break the moral law of loyalty. When there is power to choose—a moral decision then God holds us accountable.  John  9:41 Jesus said unto them, If ye were blind, ye should have no sin: but now ye say, We see; therefore your sin remaineth.

By the habits and baggage given to a child Satan hopes to  take him or her to their destruction and blend them into an atmosphere of his own choosing– a world of misery, murder and destruction.

By drugs, habits, payments, Satan will lead the mind captive and except Christ intervenes they will never escape his destructive net.  The will, the power of choice is held captive to self destruction.

God made a plan to free the mind and the will, to set a person on a life course that would be safe for eternity without losing that person’s unique and wonderful characteristics.   How could God save us in the real world without destroying us– that is the wonderful plan of salvation.

The Father has always worked to give each one of us a unique personality and freedom and did this through the creation of His Son.   And proceeding from the Father & Son  is the third person of the Godhead- “The Holy Spirit is a free, working, independent agency.”   That which works within us for salvation is a free agent yet works in unison with the Father and the Son for our salvation.  They are an example to us,

God would have us know that we are special, each one, but only as we become who He destined us to be in Him.


Free Willy

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