The Church of Rome banished and burnt the Bible as an outlawed book and was losing their hold on the people because Protestantism was spreading like wildfire through Europe and it was through the word of God given to the people in the language of the people as Christ Himself had done, that the Word gave life and meaning. Prior to Luther nailing his thesis on the Wittenberg church door Erasmus had translated the scriptures ready for many reformers such as Tyndale to utilize. The first book off the printing press was the Bible for the people of the reformation. Throughout the dark ages the scriptures were passed down from Apostolic times to the Waldensian people and others such as Lucian of Antioch.
“From early times, Jesuits have seen the potential for communications in spreading the Word of God. Ignatius himself bought a printing press when he was the head of the Society, the first of many Jesuit publishing enterprises.” The Bible douay version produced in France by the Jesuits had little success and was rejected for its many errors. “The center of English Catholicism was the English College at Douai (University of Douai, France) founded in 1568 by William Allen, formerly of Queen’s College, Oxford.”
The platform for the error and corruption of God’s word was the catholic manuscripts sinaiticus and vaticanus which are the foundation for modern Bibles today. Now the scriptures in Catholic and Protestant churches have been contaminated by the use of these manuscripts. Look for the origin of the manuscripts behind the Bible version and understand what the result has been.
Now the Pope refers to scripture and Jesus but they fail to state in the newspapers he also is a student of Aristotle. Black and white or truth and darkness and that is what the tree of good and evil was all about which appeals to fallen and lost men.