Now Tony Blair and George Bush two converts of the Pope, the former being given all the rights of the church and becoming a member after his prime minister-ship and the latter seeing in the pope the eyes of God, saw it was fitting to carry on the wars and water torture practiced in the dark ages for national interest. At least some of the British had the sense to try and bring Blair to trial.
Also thank God for good men in the US who as “part of the American Civil Liberties Union, sued the pentagon in 2004 to have torture photographs released, and posted the images on its website Friday afternoon. The ACLU continues to push for the publication of 1,800 additional images from the investigations, which the Pentagon continues to withhold.
“It’s most likely the case that these are the most innocuous of the photos, and if that’s true, it’s a shadow of meaningful transparency,” said Alex Abdo, an ACLU attorney who has worked on the lawsuit to release the photos since 2005.
Lawyers for the government have maintained that the release of the images could do “grievous harm to national security” because terrorists could use them as propaganda against the US.”