Says Mickey Mouse on RT article comment:
(Was you getting your news from Pfizer directly)?
Did U know… We all know, who takes cues from Reuters: (main source) for information..?
1) Mr. James C. Smith is the CEO of Reuters, he also is currently a member of the Board of Directors of Pfizer.
2) Mr. Stephen Hahn is the former FDA commissioner in charge of regulating Moderna, he is also the current Chief Medical officer of flagship-Pioneering the venture capital firm behind Moderna..?
3) Mr. Scott Gottlieb is the former FDA commissioner in charge of regulating Pfizer, he is also the current member of the Board of Directors of Pfizer.
Also in reality: (Secrete Military Documents… Revealed)
Justin Pierre James Trudeau in 2019 invited the Chinese to conduct a winter military exercise just less than 200 miles from NY State.
Billionaire Barry Sherman a strong supporter of Trudeau was under investigation for shady deals with Trudeau in 2017. The world’s biggest manufacturer of Hydroxychloroquine, that could’ve resulted his company APOTEX & Canada’s biggest pharmaceutical company to be banned for five years from lobbying the Gov. Same year Barry and his wife was discovered beaten with markings around their wrist hanging from railings around their “indoor” swimming pool. It was officially called a suicide, so the investigation ended. As a result; APOTEX was able to continued doing business with Trudeau’s Gov. making dangerous drugs as part of their ventilators protocol. It was the University of British Colombia were the nano-lipid particles were made to make the mRNA possible.
After reports showing little less of 30,000 deaths at 0.07% population death rate, he ordered all Federal employee’s and everyone above the age 12 who travel on planes, trains and cruise-ships to take the shot. He announced testing is no longer an option.
PS: Say what you want… However; These are the cold-heavy hearted immutable facts.
Also: See how to become less than human using mRNA > 2013 (US. Supreme Court) case # 12-398 {Pathology vs. Myriad Genetics}