New Zealand Tells Schools to Phone the Police if Unvaccinated Staff Show Up
Unjabbed who try to get on school premises face fines.

Authorities in New Zealand have told schools to phone the police if unvaccinated staff show up for work.
Yes, really.
“The advice, published in the Ministry’s gazette on Thursday, tells school leaders that if they, or any education staff, turn up to work on Monday unvaccinated against Covid, they will be committing an offence,” reports the Mail Australia.
Any staff member who hasn’t had the COVID vaccine by November 15th who tries to enter school grounds will be subject to a fine as part of the country’s “no jab, no job” policy.
“If staff do turn up on site after this date, we encourage school leaders to deal with this in the usual manner you would if other inappropriate people were to turn up on site,” states the advice from the Ministry of Education.
“If you feel your safety or the safety of akonga (pupils or students) or other staff is compromised, you could consider contacting the police.”
As we previously highlighted, New Zealand has imposed one of the most brutal lockdowns in the developed world, in some instances locking down entire areas of the country after just a single COVID case.
Earlier this summer, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern mimicked Australia’s top public health official by telling citizens, “Don’t talk to your neighbors.”
“Stay local and do not congregate, don’t talk to your neighbors, please keep to your bubbles,” said Ardern.
Meanwhile, people in New Zealand who die as a result of being shot to death are being counted as official COVID-19 fatalities