• Religious liberty
    Religious liberty
    American liberty liberty issues are under threat in USA today. The US 1st constitutional religious liberty right is the founding strength of the USA
  • Religious liberty
    Religious liberty
    Liberty issues should concern all & all should have an intelligent understanding on current events that could affect their freedom
  • Religious liberty
    Religious liberty
    Pope's adoration by 'Protestant countries' leadership
  • Religious liberty
    Religious liberty
    Religious liberty issue as outlined in Vatican II and as headed up Jesuit Priest Reece since 2016 at his appointment by Obama who heads the religious liberty department and in a worldwide perspective in the US today is at opposites to religious liberty as founded in the US constitution.
  • Religious liberty is issue of Revelation 13
    Religious liberty is issue of Revelation 13
    The violation of religious liberty issues is because of US constitution changes as prophesied of the USA
  • Religious liberty
    Religious liberty
    Religious liberty and ecumenism were inaugurated in Vatican II goals for a return to worldwide dominance.
  • Religious liberty
    Religious liberty
    The USA by its very constitution became the strongest nation worldwide and home above any other nation to a commandment keeping church. Bringing the USA to it's knees has been a vatican long term goal.
  • Religious liberty
    Religious liberty
    Major shootings and violent acts of war are leading to a consensus to let go of God given liberties particularly in the USA which is leading the West.
  • Religious liberty
    Religious liberty
    Evidence of the culprits behind 9/11 was restricted and covered up. Despite the Saudi involvement arms trade continued, an insult to those Americans that lost their lives.
  • Libya Clinton's war
    Libya Clinton's war
    Gaddafi knew he may well be next on the hit list and warmed of the rise of terrorism and mass migration:"There are millions of blacks who could come to the Mediterranean to cross to France and Italy, and Libya plays a role in security in the Mediterranean,"
  • Religious liberty & terrorism
    Religious liberty & terrorism
    World wide surveillance and liberty restriction is what Revelation 13:6 is all about. Snowden's Revelations gave us a sense of such as a prediction. His Revelations to the public are said to be divisive and he is treated as a criminal.
  • Religious liberty
    Religious liberty
    “One cannot provoke, one cannot insult other people’s faith, one cannot make fun of faith. “There is a limit. Every religion has its dignity … in freedom of expression there are limits.”
  • Religious liberty
    Religious liberty
    In 2016 Pope meets will all electronic media heads
  • Religious liberty
    Religious liberty
    Liberation theology (a jesuit practice and theology) that is minority rights is being used to break the west apart. It's about how it is used and who it is targeting is at issue. Marbo indigenous rights was lead by the Jesuits in Australia, though Marbo is a great person the agenda behind such worldwide moves is to change national identity and landscapes.
  • Religious liberty
    Religious liberty
    Gay rights that is minority rights has led to a backlash in the USA in which a Jesuit Priest Reece would fight for church and state rights. Therefore the Jesuits plainly pit opposite ideologies against each other to get the desired effect.
  • Religious liberty
    Religious liberty
    Jesuits have one of their biggest concentrations in the USA today. To get into a top government position often comes from Jesuit education.
  • Religious liberty
    Religious liberty
    Not only Revelation 13 predicts a dual hegemony, that is US/ Vatican, but from their own lips years before the time, the Jesuits tell you what it is their intention to do.
  • Religious liberty
    Religious liberty
    'The question of religious liberty needs to be clearly comprehended by laymen in more ways than one. Men should be left free to be guided by the Holy Spirit, not by the fitful, perverse spirit of unsanctified men who are blocking the advancement of God's work.
  • 'Enemy of the state'
    'Enemy of the state'
    'Where do we draw the line between protection of civil liberties & protection of national security? You have no right to come into my home.'

Revelation 13 constitutional change in US

Those who are making an effort to change the Constitution and secure a law enforcing Sunday observance little realize what will be the result. A crisis is just upon us.–5T 711, 753 (written 1889).

The Sunday movement is now making its way in darkness. The leaders are concealing the true issue, and many who unite in the movement do not themselves see whither the undercurrent is tending. . . . They are working in blindness. They do not see that if a Protestant government sacrifices the principles that have made them a free, independent nation, and through legislation brings into the Constitution principles that will propagate papal falsehood and papal delusion, they are plunging into the Roman horrors of the Dark Ages.–RH Extra, written Dec. 11, 1888. 

Will religion and state remain separate?

December 12 2017
The prevailing wind around the world is to insert religion into matters of state in the so-called national interest, a streak which will complicate functioning of liberal democracies and deny freedoms they were designed to protect
by Narayan Ramachandran

The Supreme Court did not opine on the annulment of Hadiya’s marriage ordered by the Kerala high court. Photo: Mint

The Supreme Court did not opine on the annulment of Hadiya’s marriage ordered by the Kerala high court. Photo: Mint

Two little noticed but important events took place in the US last week.

First, the Supreme Court of the US began hearings in a case filed by a baker from Colorado, Jack Phillips, who had refused in 2012 to make a wedding cake for a same-sex couple citing his religious beliefs.

Second, the Senate passed a tax Bill with a tag provision that rescinds the (Lyndon) Johnson Amendment which has prohibited religious and charitable institutions (501 c(3) organizations in US tax statute) from making tax-deductible political contributions. The Johnson amendment promulgated in 1954 implied a clear separation of church and state.

In different ways, both cases tackle the issue of the separation of religion and state. The case of Masterpiece Cakeshop (Phillips’s bakery) against the State of Colorado Civil Rights Commission pits the right of equality (granted to the same-sex couple under the declaration of US independence and by the 14th Amendment) against the right to freedom of expression (the First Amendment says “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”).

The revocation of the Johnson amendment effectively means that the evangelical right in the US will now have congressional approval (and tax exemption) for political involvement.

For more than 200 years since the Age of Enlightenment in Europe, the separation of church and state has been a core belief anchoring the development of liberal democracies. In the US, the phrase itself was first used by Thomas Jefferson in the context of building a wall between church and state and its importance to the First Amendment. That core belief was strengthened at various times but most recently during the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s.

In the US and elsewhere, we may be beginning a period where the Westphalian notion of nation-state sovereignty gets stronger but the separation between church (or temple or mosque) and state gets weaker. It is time to speak with one voice in favour of clear and effective separation.

Geographically and metaphorically, the US is quite distant from India. Given a different history and a divergent state of economic and political evolution, societal angst in India is reserved for markedly different things than in the US. And yet, we have already begun to see that the separation of temple and state granted under the Indian Constitution has begun to change. The 42nd amendment to the Indian Constitution enacted in 1976 inserted the word “secular” in the Preamble. The relationship between religion and state has not otherwise been defined anywhere in the Constitution but is implicitly guaranteed throughout. Equality is guaranteed by the fundamental rights in Part III of the Constitution that ensures, among other things, a right to equality, right to freedom of speech and expression, right to religious freedom and an important right to constitutional remedies.

The recent case of Hadiya Jahan nee Akhila Ashokan should have been a slam- dunk case of an adult woman having the constitutionally protected right to religious freedom as an adult. Instead, first the Kerala high court and then the Supreme Court muddied the waters and pronounced a decidedly panchayati and paternalistic verdict by ordering her to continue her studies.

Further complicating the matter, the Supreme Court did not opine on the annulment of Hadiya’s marriage ordered by the Kerala high court. The very institution required to protect Hadiya’s right to constitutional remedies ended up violating it. The only hope is that the Supreme Court sees the error of its ways when it pronounces on the deferred issue of the annulled marriage and rectifies the argument.

This was a case of implementation falling short of the constitutionally guaranteed right to equality. However, in matters of personal law, the Indian code itself is unequal, with the applicable law based on an individual’s religion. Hindus, Sikhs and Christians fall under common law. Muslims are covered under a Sharia- inspired personal law. There are a plethora of Acts that govern marriage, divorce, maintenance and succession, such as the Hindu Marriage Act (1955), the Indian Succession Act (1925), the Special Marriage Act (1954), the Dissolution of Muslim Marriage Act (1939) and so on. Some political observers will argue that the consolidation of all these acts under a Uniform Civil Code being considered now is inspired by the political philosophy of the ruling party. Be that as it may, the Constitution should never have had an embedded inequality based on religion. That inequality was cemented by the shameful reversal of a Supreme Court order in the Shah Bano case in 1985 by the then Rajiv Gandhi government pandering to an orthodoxy of Muslim men.

The prevailing wind around the world is to insert religion into matters of state in the so-called national interest. This is a dangerous streak which will complicate the functioning of liberal democracies and deny the very freedoms that our democracies were designed to protect.

There may be temples and mosques at every street corner, but they must stay separate from state.

P.S: “Religion and Government will both exist in greater purity, the less they are mixed together,” said James Madison. Jesus in the Synoptic Gospel says, “Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s.”

Narayan Ramachandran is chairman, InKlude Labs. Read Narayan’s Mint