In Britain the bank account of suspected ‘Decorated civil rights activists, prominent religious leaders, and politicians were disabled. This was reported by Azzam Tamimi whose account was also suspended. World-Check database owned by Thomson Reuters was used by the banks to blacklist customers.’ Imagine what this mean as the world is going cashless and for Sweden in 4 years time.
Meanwhile the US is extending Guantanamo Bay- which mean more political prisoners, indefinite detention without trial – there is something overshadowing the west that is a murky cloud that is determined to take away rights and freedoms we once had the privilege of. Unjust wars in Iraq and libya set the stage of terrorism which has used for the justification of mass surveillance and constitutional attacks. The constitution is coming under fire and being tested as we speak.
What it means in the near future is this: Revelation 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.