“At the end of the day God raised up, I believe, Donald Trump, who was going to be the nominee in this election,” said Bachmann, who had backed Cruz in the primary.
Trump says ‘So let me state this right up front, a Trump administration, our Christian heritage will be cherished, protected defended, like you have never seen before.’
“A lot of people said, I wonder if Donald will get the evangelicals. I got the evangelicals,” Trump added, drawing tepid, almost sheepish applause.’ Article: Evangelicals learn to like Trump SARAH WHEATON
Here’s the idea, build some thing bigger than New York and put a wall around it so its like a castle with a draw bridge. America is the castle and the outside world is everything past its mote and borders.
USA is prophesied to be the nation to bring about last day events in the name of Christianity with its lamb-like characteristics.
The issues of religious freedom and separation of church and state are very important ones that have been thrown open to reconsideration from a Muslim threat. In the past main stream ‘Christian’ churches have been persecuting powers as state upheld these false ideas of liberty in the name of Christ, so it shall be again.