Will Trump go through? From the outside American world it seems not. From the inside American world it may well be the opposite as the media works hard to keep Hilary on top, many are saying she is failing but the media says Donald is failing.
In his speech at the Al Smith Memorial Dinner he says, “We can also agree on the need to stand up to anti-catholic bias, to defend religious liberty and create a culture that celebrates life.” Such a statement shows the way the thinking has changed by ‘protestants’. The tables have turned away from the reformation ideals that made the US great, to tout religious liberty views as rewritten by Vatican-II, as if they were the heralds of religious freedom but in fact the Jesuits were the emissaries of despotism and torture. That is a fact of history! (The Al Smith Memorial Dinner is the whose who in the American Catholic world. To the right Trump, Archbishop Timothy Dolan and Hillary Clinton.)
“Only by terrible struggles has the right of religious liberty been maintained. When the stake and the scaffold proved ineffectual to destroy the Reformation in Germany, popery summoned her armies, the Catholic States banded together to crush out Protestantism….”
The leaders are war criminals and this shall not change, the candidates for president are not peace loving, the only peace that will ever exist resides in a totalitarianism in which one cannot speak their mind, and liberty will be totted when in fact it is collapsing. Am I saying Trump is a bad person? Only if and as he in engages in the war crimes of former presidents and unfortunately he says he will. If only Ron Paul had been able to make a difference to the direction and ideals of this once blessed country.